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«Міжнародний Чорноморський Транспортний Форум 2017» (МЧТФ-2017)
Опубліковано 26 липня 2017, 09:22

Додати в календар 2017-09-27 09:00:00 2017-09-29 09:00:00 Europe/Kiev «Міжнародний Чорноморський Транспортний Форум 2017» (МЧТФ-2017) 27-29 вересня 2017 року в м. Одесса (Україна) відбудеться щорічна глобальна подія в транспортній галузі – МІЖНАРОДНИЙ ЧОРНОМОРСЬКИЙ ТРАНСПОРТНИЙ ФОРУМ. Метою Форуму є розвиток транспортної та портової інфраструктури України.  [email protected]


                                                                                                                                  Press-release January 2017



            A significant annual event in transport industry of Ukraine – International Black Sea Transport Forum 2017 - promises to set a new milestone in the development of the transport industry of Ukraine.

            This is evidenced by the representative list of exhibitors and delegates of the conference over 8 months before the event.  We remind that from the 27th  to the  29th of  September 2017, in Odessa, Odessa marine terminal will host the International Black Sea Transport Forum in 2017, which combines the 20-th international exhibition for transport and logistics "TransUkraine 2017", the international specialized exhibition "Transrail Ukraine 2017", specialized exhibition "Commercial and municipal transport 2017", 20-th international conference "Transport system of Ukraine in the system of transcontinental transport routes" and 14th International exhibition on shipping shipbuilding and ports development "Odessa 2017".

            Coordinators of exhibitions and conference are the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine and the Black and Azov Seas Association (BASPA).

            The delegation of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, headed by Director of the Ukraine Sevki Acuner will take part in the Forum, which is an indicator of investment attractiveness of transport and ports industry of Ukraine. Embassies of Afghanistan, Romania, Iran expressed their interest in participating in the Forum of their companies. Under support of Iranian Embassy we are preparing the Ukrainian-Iranian business forum and presentation of the Iranian companies at the exhibition. The Head of the company ProDanube International Manfred Seitz will speak about opportunities for development of navigation on the Danube.

            One of central topics of the international conference "Transport system of Ukraine in the system of transcontinental transport routes" will be the topic of the New Silk road and TMTM. Invited key players are the Railways of China, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Iran, PJSC "Ukrzaliznytsia", JSC "PLASKE". USCTS "Liski", SC "Ukrferry”. Their interest in participating in the Forum and the conference was declared by CJSC "South Caucasus Railway" and the SE "Railway of Moldova". Secretary general of TRACECA Mircea Ciopraga confirm his participation in the conference.

            Rich cultural and entertainment program of the Forum (visiting theatres, excursions) which is currently formed by the organizers and the official travel partner of the Forum – company "NAVIGATOR", will allow you to spend an unforgettable week during the Indian Summer season in Odessa. Traditional evening party devoted to opening of the Forum will provide an opportunity informal communication with potential partners and customers. And convenient service for visitors, including hotel reservations, transfer from and to the airport, shuttle from your  hotel to the exhibition and the conference, kindly provided by our travel partner, will provide an opportunity to make your stay at the exhibition and conference pleasant and comfortable.

            Issues within the framework of the conference:

l  International multimodal transportation - container, truck-ferry, railway-ferry. Cargo delivery process optimization;

l  Integration of inner water ways of Ukraine into the regional net TEN-T of EU;

l  Prospects of transcaspean transport routs functioning in the direction Europe-Asia;

l  Possibilities for investments into Ukrainian transport branch. Participation of state banks in investment programs of infrastructure projects;

l  Reformation of marine branch of Ukraine as a basis for investments;

l  Prospects of Ukrainian road infrastructure development: implementation of European standards in roads building and repair;

            Events program within the International Black Sea Transport Forum:

l  Round table «Development of container market in the Black Sea region» (Organizer: Container Lines Association of Ukraine)

l  Round table on on training and certification of seafarers

l  Round table  «Optimization of logistics as a way for  increasing in efficiency» Issues: optimization of cooperation between different kinds of transport, creating effective model for coordination cooperation between cargo-owners, railways and ports)

l  Round table «Ukrainian shipbuilding revival as the most important point in the formation of Ukraine as a marine state».  Issues: working on  a complex program of Ukrainian shipbuilding and ship repair development till 2035; creating free economics zones based on Nikolaev shipbuilding plants;  favorable tax regime for shipbuilding enterprises)

l  Round table "Public transport of the XXI  century" (under support of the Department of transport, communications and traffic of the Odessa City Council)


  We are pleased to invite you to take part in the exhibitions and events of the Forum and also in working on the business program.


Exhibitions & Conference Organizing Committee

Tel./Fax: +38 (0482) 355999

e-mail: [email protected]

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