Оголошується подача документів до участі у ХХ Міжнародному конкурсі шкільних медіа, який проходитиме протягом 2017 року у місті Миколаїв, Україна.
Організаторами зазначеного конкурсу є Національна спілка журналістів України, Національна академія педагогічних наук України, Асоціація молодіжної преси України та Коледж преси та телебачення. Також, планується, що до організаторів конкурсу долучиться Міжнародна Федерація Журналістів.
У 2016 році участь у конкурсі взяли 1894 учасники 800 закладів середньої освіти та позашкільних навчальних закладів всіх областей України, а також Польщі, Болгарії, Греції, Білорусі, Грузії, Молдови та інших країн.
Нещодавно розпочалася реєстрація на участь у ХХ Міжнародному конкурсі шкільних медіа, яка триватиме до 20 березня.
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International School Media Competition - the biggest event of the school media in Ukraine. Every year newspapers, television, photo and radio materials from schools from all over Ukraine and other countries take part in this competition.
The first competition of school newspapers was in 1997. About 50 newspapers from schools of Mykolayiv had taken part in this competition.
Organizers of the International School Media Competition are: The National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Association of Youth Press of Ukraine and the College of Press and Television.
In 2002 the Competition had supported by the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.
Since 2007, special nomination «The best material on European integration of Ukraine of National competition of school newspapers» is supporting by Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine.
For 19 years of the competition, the archives accumulated over 29 thousand works. Among them: the wall, printed, electronic publications, television stories, radio programs, thousands of pictures from Ukraine, Bulgaria, Poland, Georgia, Moldova, Greece, Russia, Belarus and other countries.
About 73 thousand students from schools of Ukraine and other countries became members of the editorial boards of their publications, television, photo and radio material.
For 19 years of the International Competition For School Media, the title of best school media received 434 works of young journalists.
In 2016, for participation in the contest was filed in 1894 competitive work, including print and wall newspapers, Internet publications, TV and radio materials thousands of young journalists.
International School Media Competition had supported by: Administration of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Parliament of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine, National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio, State Committee of Ukraine on television and radio, Committee of the Parliament of Ukraine on Science and Education, Committee of the Parliament of Ukraine on freedom of expression and information, Mykolayiv Regional State Administration, Mayor of Mykolayiv, Mykolaiv Regional Council, EU Delegation in Ukraine, the Embassy of Germany in Kiev, Ukrainian newspaper «Day», News Agency Ukrinform etc.
Gleb Golovchenko, +38-050-318-19-53, e-mail [email protected]
Victoria Veselovska, +38-0512-50-00-30, +38-050-394-34-23, e-mail [email protected]
How to apply for participate in
XX International Competition of school media?
1. Fill out the application form.
2. For every delegation - send a copy of the application form to e-mail [email protected] (till 20 of March, 2017)
3. For the delegation which will participate with own school media – send a copy of the media to e-mail [email protected] (newspaper - a scanned version, radio or TV material - a link to the resource, where we can download this material) (till 20 of March, 2017)
3. For the delegation which will participate with own school media – send the original media to the post: Ukraine, 54020, Mykolaiv city, Dalya street, 11a, College of press and television, for Victoria Veselovska
4. For every delegation original application form send by post to address: Ukraine, 54020, Mykolaiv city, Dalya street, 11a, College of press and television, for Victoria Veselovska
5. Events of the XX International School Media Competition will take place on 27-29 of April, 2017 in Mykolaiv city (Ukraine).