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Regarding the covering of the upcoming presidential elections in Ukraine
Опубліковано 19 лютого 2019 року о 14:01

The Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Latvia expresses its appreciation of the interest of the Latvian media to events in Ukraine. In that regard, we would like to inform you about the covering of the upcoming presidential elections in Ukraine. Accreditation of representatives of national and foreign mass media to cover the election process is carried out by the Central Election Commission of Ukraine. Please find below instructions on the relevant procedure.

Media Accreditation to the Central Election Commission to cover the process of Presidential Election 2019 in Ukraine on March 31, 2019


All representatives of national and foreign media, including technical staff of television and radio companies, must acquire accreditation to the Central Election Commission events.

In order to advance the CEC accreditation of journalists and media professionals it is advisable to provide the relevant submissions and appeals by March 20, 2019.

To acquire long-term accreditation (for the whole period of preparation to Presidential Election 2019 on March 31, 2019, as well as the Election itself) and the appropriate personal accreditation cards, a written application addressed to the Central Election Commission Chairperson Tetiana Slipachuk should be sent to: 1, Lesia Ukrainka square, 01196, Kyiv, Ukraine.


The application of a national media organization on their official letterhead signed by their CEO, Editor-in-Chief, or another authorized representative must include:

·         full name of the organization 
·         public registration date and number 
·         office address 
·         e-mail (if any) 
·         full name (s) of the media representatives (s), who would like to acquire accreditation
·         phone numbers, other contact information

The application of a foreign media organization, must include the following:

·         full name in the Ukrainian, English and native language
·         office address 
·         e-mail, phone numbers, other contact information of their office in Ukraine (if any)
·         full name (s) of the media representative (s), who would like to acquire accreditation

The application from individual representatives of national or foreign media must include:

·         full name 
·         address 
·         phone number (s) 
·         e-mail (if any)


Enclosed to the application must be scanned images of passport/national ID card and a valid press card (national or international) In order to help speed up the process of production of a press card, one can send a scanned image of the application to:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


Application letters from media organizations must be signed by their CEOs, Editors-in-Chief, or another authorized representatives, and their paper versions verified with the official stamp.

Central Election Commission contact persons:

Volodymyr Vyrva (+38 044 286-80-71) 
Olena Tereschuk (number: +38 044 256-82-80). 

Ad hoc accreditation (for a particular event) is possible by phone at the numbers above.




To provide for a smooth access to the Central Election Commission press center premises by TV crews carrying equipment necessary for live streams/broadcasts, we strongly encourage media organizations to provide lists of such equipment ahead of time.

Similarly, in order to gain access for satellite trucks to a parking space in the back yard of the Central Election Commission, media organizations must apply for such an access with a list of all the relevant equipment until March 22, 2019.


Please Note Commission meetings, press conferences and briefings by the Central Election Commission Chairperson, Deputy Chairpersons, Secretary and members will be held at the Central Election Commission press center (2nd floor) or at the main conference room (6nd floor) at: 1, Lesia Ukrainka square, 01196, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Media access to the Central Election Commission premises is allowed by by the long-term accreditation cards and lists, approved by the Comission Secretariat Department for Cooperation with the Media. It is also required to present one’s personal identification papers.

To enter the Commission building premises, it is necessary to pass security check at the main entrance (the entrance from the square of Lesia Ukrainka).

During the check , security officers verify the functionality of voice recorders, video cameras and other equipment.

Taking into account that security procedures take some time, we encourage media representatives to arrive ahead of an event scheduled time. According to the Regulation of the Central Election Commission Article 14 persons with right of access to the Commission meetings, are allowed to enter the meeting room before the meeting begins or during a break.


Source - www.cvk.gov.ua

Instructions - http://www.cvk.gov.ua/info/inf_02012019_1.htm 

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